Our existing customers love us, but new prospects don’t seem to ‘get it’

Secrets of the Positive Positioning Playbook

Understanding what existing customers love is a key to unlocking appeal to new prospects

I find it’s common for a company to have a strong existing customer base while struggling to capture the attention and interest of potential new customers. The existing customer might love your product or service. Yet it fails to resonate with new prospects.

This disconnect often signals a need: Adjust your positioning strategy.

Positioning: The bridge to connecting with New Prospects

Positioning plays a pivotal role in how a product or service is perceived in the market. It’s the foundation on which the customer narrative of your business is built. It must capture in simple, clear terms what makes your offer attractive to customers. While existing customers might have understood and embraced the value proposition by experiencing the offer first hand, new prospects may need a different approach to cut through and help them ‘get it’.

To find a unique position, you must ignore conventional logic. Conventional logic says you find your concept inside yourself or inside the product. Not true. What you must do is look inside the prospect’s mind.
Al Ries

How can positioning help?

  • Clarity and Differentiation: A well-crafted positioning strategy clearly communicates the unique value proposition of a product or service. It helps differentiate from competitors and effectively communicates why a customer should choose your offering. It’s not about being better; it’s about being different.
  • Solving Customer Needs: Effective positioning aligns the product with the needs and desires of the target audience. By highlighting how your product resolves their pain points, it becomes more appealing.
68% of businesses struggle with lead generation.
HubSpot study

The struggle with generating leads often results from ineffective communication of the product’s value proposition to potential customers. A clear and compelling positioning strategy can directly address this challenge.

Worse, in B2B sales studies show that upward of 38% of sales processes end in no sale at all (that’s right, not to you or a competitor).

According to a report by Gartner, 64% of consumers find shared values to be the primary reason they have a relationship with a brand. Positioning that resonates with these shared values can foster a stronger connection with new prospects.

Positioning can help:

Bring to bear the power of a positive positioning strategy. The process of redefining positioning and brand narratives, helps your company carve out a distinct space in the market that resonates with both existing customers and those essential new prospects. By refining your positioning, we aim to bridge the gap between customer love and customer understanding, empowering your brand to scale and reach new horizons.

Is positioning the bridge you need to your future brand success?

Between existing customer satisfaction and success in new prospect engagement lies your effective positioning. A well-defined strategy will communicate the unique value of your product or service, connecting with the needs of your ideal target audience to driving your business growth.

Ready to get positioning working for you? Get in touch now.