Warning signs! Indicators you need to work on your positioning

You have a stellar service or a perfect product. But something’s not clicking with prospects. What’s the problem?

A poorly-defined positioning can stifle your success in the market. The first step to addressing it? Discover how to recognise the signs of a weak or inconsistent positioning strategy.  

  1. Lack of Differentiation: Obviously, if your product or service isn’t standing out from competitors or seems interchangeable with others in the market, it’s a sure sign that your positioning needs improvement. You should strive for a clear and distinct value proposition.
  2. Difficulty in communicating value: Challenging to articulate your offer, its value or unique selling points? If you are not getting this across in a concise and compelling manner, your positioning may be unclear. With a powerful positioning strategy in place – your messaging should resonate clearly with your target audience.
  3. Low conversion rates: If your marketing isn’t translating into conversions or sales, it could be a result of unclear positioning. It’s simple. If people don’t ‘get’ why they should choose your product over others, they're less likely to buy it.
  4. Market misunderstanding: Experiencing any confusion about what your product does? Or exactly who it’s for? Whether among your target audience, or within your own company. Fix it. Your positioning needs some sharpening.
  5. Too many conversations on price or discounting: Continuous price objections without a clear understanding of your offer’s value is a sure sign of a failure in positioning. Customers should perceive the value your product offers and value its price.
  6. Messaging mayhem: Sales people, marketing and different departments or your marketing materials are conveying different or even conflicting messages about your brand or its value or benefits, it can be evidence of a lack of cohesive positioning strategy.
  7. Stagnant growth: Your offer is great. But the business just isn’t experiencing the growth you expect. Might it be ineffective positioning? Positioning is instrumental attracting and retaining customers, crucial for your sustained growth.
  8. Market shift: Changes in the market landscape. New competitors entering, digitalisation and disruption, or simply evolving customer preferences. You may need to reposition to stay relevant and grow.
  9. Losing market share: Your market share is declining or you’re losing customers to competitors? This might signal that your positioning is not compelling enough for your audience.
  10. Difficulty expanding into new markets: Attempting to enter new markets or demographics? Encountering resistance, or finding it challenging to connect with new audiences could highlight the need for an adjusted positioning strategy.
A company can only afford one focus – a single positioning statement.
Geoffrey Moore

Recognise the signs of a weak or inconsistent positioning strategy – and address them.  A well-defined positioning strategy can significantly enhance your success in the market.

These problems are not insurmountable. The first step is diagnosis. Check out the positive positioning playbook process to discover how to tackle these issues, and set your business back on track for success.

If you need some expert help honing your value proposition and finding a winning positioning to take your business forward, talk to Garrett.